We use breathable bandages designed for tattoo aftercare
Your artist will dress your tattoo with a bandage. You can shower with the bandage on. The first bandage should stay on for at least 24 hours but you can keep it on longer if your tattoo looks clean under the bandage.
Option 1
Heal with Bandages
If you like the bandage, continue your aftercare using one more bandage for five days. Your artist will provide you this second bandage at our shop. Tattoos with little or no shading won’t need a bandage change at all. If your tattoo looks fairly clean after the first day, just stick with your first bandage for the full five days. However, if there is a lot of fluid evident under the bandage, it’s best to change to a fresh, second bandage for the next 5 days.
If you need to change your first bandage, you’ll do it 30 hrs or so you left the shop. It’s best to wait until your bedtime routine when you can properly clean your tattoo without making a mess. With CLEAN hands, you’ll peel off the first bandage (it can be easier under running water), wash with an antibacterial soap, rinse, then pat dry with a clean paper towel. Once it’s dry, apply the second bandage. The second bandage stays on for five days.
There’s a video on our instagram highlights showing how to change the bandage.
You may see ink and blood under your bandage. This is normal as long as it doesn’t leak out of the bandage. If it leaks out, you need to take the bandage off.
If you have any problems with your bandage, or if you need to take it off early, no worries! Skip to Option 2 below.
Option 2
Heal with Ointment
If you will not be using a second bandage, you’ll use a healing ointment for 4-5 days. After washing with gentle anti-bacterial soap, apply a THIN layer of Aquaphor and massage into the skin to the point where it just barely looks moist. Repeat this process for 2 to 3 times a day for 4-5 days.
Apply unscented moisturizer for a week or two
After steps above, use moisturizer for a week or two. Use a nice, unscented one like Aveeno, Lubriderm, Cetaphil, etc. Your tattoo may peel like a sunburn. (It is normal to see colored flakes of skin shedding) If it does scab, this is nothing to worry about, just let them fall off on their own. DO NOT SCRATCH OR PICK AT THEM and do NOT over-soak in the shower. This leave blank spots that will need touching up.
Keep Clean
Keep your tattoo clean with soap and water
Especially if you aren’t using the bandages, the most important part of your tattoo healing is keeping it clean with soap and water! Wash it regularly with antibacterial soap and water. Make sure to do this especially after exposing it to potentially dirty or germy situations.
No Sun or Soaking
During the healing process: NO SUN, NO SWIMMING, NO JACUZZIS, NO OCEAN, NO SOAKING in water of any kind! (2-3 weeks)
Take it Easy
Especially while you are bandaged, avoid the gym and any activity that will cause excessive movement, friction, heat, or sweating at the area of your tattoo. For big, or heavily-shaded tattoos. it might be better to wait a few more days. Use your judgement based on how your tattoo looks and feels.
Sunblock Forever
After your tattoo is healed…. use SUNBLOCK, this will help it look like new longer. Think of it this way, you are looking THROUGH the skin at the ink underneath much like a picture in a frame with glass over it. The better you take care of the glass/skin the better the picture/tattoo looks underneath.